Formosas opstigning og fald

Det korte kapitel om Republikken Formosa i Taiwans historie indeholder en vigtig lektie om Taiwan i dag: At sikre sig, at landet har et tilstrækkeligt militær og har opbygget et solidt netværk…
Det korte kapitel om Republikken Formosa i Taiwans historie indeholder en vigtig lektie om Taiwan i dag: At sikre sig, at landet har et tilstrækkeligt militær og har opbygget et solidt netværk…
Ja, nationen var engang en provins i Kina, men det var før Qingdynastiet i 1895 afstod den og Penghu-øerne for al evighed til Japan. Yes, the nation was once a province of…
Af Michael Danielsen, formand for Taiwan Corner Bogen ’Kampen om Taiwan’ af Jonas-Parello-Plesner udgivet på Gyldendal er yderst læsevenlig og giver en helt nødvendig indføring for alle i Danmark i de problemer,…
Taiwan’s fight for self-determination and future control involves China and internal hurdles. China has increased military actions near Taiwan but despite this, Taiwan’s growth, independent spirit, and global support stand strong. Economically,…
The real threat to Taiwan comes from Taiwanese themselves write Taiwan Corner’s chairman. Today, Taiwanese see only reforms that progress too slowly, and in the meantime, the population is becoming more dissatisfied.…
Taiwan Corner’s Democracy Days in Copenhagen focused on the local election in 2022. We invited Mchael Turton and William Yang to comment on the election results and the implications directly from Taipei.…
”Den skærpede situation i dag mellem Kina og Taiwan kan ikke reduceres til besøget af Nancy Pelosi. Kina har reelt mistet fodfæstet i Taiwan, og det er sket ved en strategisk fejl…
”Godt at Nancy Pelosi besøger Taiwan. Hele debatten om hendes besøg og de mange bekymringer om kinesiske militære reaktioner viser ikke overraskende, at vi i Vesten ikke længere er de stærkeste. Dette…
The possibility of a Chinese military attack on Taiwan is being talked up in the mainstream news media, provoking fear, and anxiety long before the talk about the visit to Taiwan by…
Young people in Asia are fighting to build or preserve democracy in Thailand, Hong Kong, Myanmar and in Taiwan. The struggle takes the form of local protest and mutual inspiration through the…
In his OpEd in Taipei Times, Taiwan Corner’s chairman Michael Danielsen write that willing European politicians, journalists and academics have contributed to a perception that Taiwan was divided about its future international…
China is creating a ‘new normal’ across the Strait in which the world now accepts the almost daily violation of Taiwan’s airspace. And Beijing continues to spread fake news about Taiwan. Despite…
Over the past 25 years, the European Union and the United States have focused on having critical dialogue with China. The promised result was a China that would engage positively with the…
Civil society groups in Europe like Taiwan Corner can arrange successful public events organized and planned by themselves. In Copenhagen, it is difficult to get people to come to a public debate…
President Tsai talked about peace, parity, dialogue and democracy. In response, China decided to omit the accustomed annual reference to “peaceful reunification” in the government’s yearly work report. In China’s view, the…