The Path for Taiwan: Reforms and International Stability

By Michael Danielsen, Chairman of Taiwan Corner The signals from Taiwan’s new government indicate that international continuity and political reforms in Taiwan will come…
By Michael Danielsen, Chairman of Taiwan Corner The signals from Taiwan’s new government indicate that international continuity and political reforms in Taiwan will come…
Af Michael Danielsen, formand for Taiwan Corner Signalerne fra Taiwans nye regering viser, at international kontinuitet og politiske reformer i Taiwan kommer i fokus.…
Af Michael Danielsen, formand for Taiwan Corner Taiwans politiske landskab er i forandring, og det bliver afgørende for de etablerede partier at tilpasse sig…
By Michael Danielsen, Chairman of Taiwan Corner Step into the complex and fascinating world of Taiwan with the Danish book ‘Taiwan – politik, historie…
Af Michael Danielsen, formand for Taiwan Corner Træd ind i Taiwans komplekse og fascinerende verden med bogen ‘Taiwan – politik, historie og samfund,’ men…
Taiwan’s fight for self-determination and future control involves China and internal hurdles. China has increased military actions near Taiwan but despite this, Taiwan’s growth,…
The real threat to Taiwan comes from Taiwanese themselves write Taiwan Corner’s chairman. Today, Taiwanese see only reforms that progress too slowly, and in…
The Ma Administration represented the end of the golden age for Taiwanese in China. Overall trade grew under Ma. However, trade ballooned far faster…
Most importantly, in addition to defensive considerations such as preventing its marginalization in the current FTA trend and correcting its excessive orientation toward China,…