Is democracy dying?

Taiwan appears to be losing its democratic brand, and believers in democratic values and human rights should look on with grave concern at recent developments. We may be witnessing a fundamental change in Taiwan as democratically elected politicians restrict democratic participation.

By Michael Danielsen, Chairman of Taiwan Corner.
Published in Taipei Times on Wednesday Augues, 05. 2009.
Taiwan appears to be losing its democratic brand, and believers in democratic values and human rights should look on with grave concern at recent developments. We may be witnessing a fundamental change in Taiwan as democratically elected politicians restrict democratic participation.
The latest matter for concern is the Act Governing the Administrative Impartiality of Public Officials (公務人員行政中立法), which denies research fellows at public academic institutions and public servants the basic democratic right to participate in normal political debate.
From June 10, public employees were not allowed to openly support political parties, political organizations or candidates. In addition, they are denied the right to hold meetings, initiate rallies or lead petitions.
The legislature, which is three-quarters dominated by the pan-blue camp, has passed a resolution to apply the restrictions to all faculty at public universities by next month.
If these initiatives are implemented, Taiwan’s young democracy will be in danger and the nation will lose international support.
Taiwan has been praised for its democratic achievements and the world continues to support Taiwan largely for that reason.
It would be a tragic mistake if pride in out-of-date and mistaken concepts were to undermine the importance of sharing a democratic future and in the process allow authoritarian ideas to resurface.
It is a delicate question: At what point would Taiwan cease to be a democracy? Democracy is not only about holding regular elections; it requires open and free conversations and free political debate among all citizens.
The Act Governing the Administrative Impartiality of Public Officials and the attendant legislative resolution are dangerous developments. They will not help Taiwanese and risk diminishing support for Taiwan in the community of democratic nations.