Nancy Pelosis besøg i Taiwan udstiller Vestens svaghed

”Godt at Nancy Pelosi besøger Taiwan. Hele debatten om hendes besøg og de mange bekymringer om kinesiske militære reaktioner viser ikke overraskende, at vi…
”Godt at Nancy Pelosi besøger Taiwan. Hele debatten om hendes besøg og de mange bekymringer om kinesiske militære reaktioner viser ikke overraskende, at vi…
The possibility of a Chinese military attack on Taiwan is being talked up in the mainstream news media, provoking fear, and anxiety long before…
Young people in Asia are fighting to build or preserve democracy in Thailand, Hong Kong, Myanmar and in Taiwan. The struggle takes the form…
In his OpEd in Taipei Times, Taiwan Corner’s chairman Michael Danielsen write that willing European politicians, journalists and academics have contributed to a perception…
Over the past 25 years, the European Union and the United States have focused on having critical dialogue with China. The promised result was…
Civil society groups in Europe like Taiwan Corner can arrange successful public events organized and planned by themselves. In Copenhagen, it is difficult to…
President Tsai talked about peace, parity, dialogue and democracy. In response, China decided to omit the accustomed annual reference to “peaceful reunification” in the…
Taiwan shall live forward and understand itself looking backward — not like the KMT, which prefers to live in the past. A combination of…
In contrast to the presidential election, the parliamentary elections are more uncertain. Although the November 2018 local elections resulted in significant victories for the…
Variations of a ‘Hong Kong model’, such as the one offered by China’s president Xi, have no appeal in Taiwan whatsoever. This has been…