Taiwan, understanding an Identity in Process

What is Taiwan’s identity? What does it mean to be Taiwanese? At a recent conference in Taiwan, Democracy Building in Interesting Times a speaker…
What is Taiwan’s identity? What does it mean to be Taiwanese? At a recent conference in Taiwan, Democracy Building in Interesting Times a speaker…
In these troubled times, Taiwanese know they are different but they may not always be able to verbalize how different they are. From the…
The recent US-China Joint Statement suffers from intellectual laziness when it applauds the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between Taiwan and China. Why applaud…
“Harmonious” or not, China’s rise has become a virtual reality for the empire’s neighbors. China’s recent actions in the South China Sea and toward…
LOOK AT ME Coverage of Taiwan in academia and the media is a key form of diplomacy, and in Europe at least, it appears…
No statements seem too ridiculous in Taiwan, with the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and its unbelievable claims. The KMT promotes national policies that bear…
Only available in Danish. I Arthur Chengs svar 12. juli til min kronik om handelsaftalen mellem Taiwan og Kina påstår han, at opbakningen til…
Only available in Danish. Den nye handelsaftale mellem Taiwan og Kina skader Taiwans suverænitet og splitter den taiwanske befolkning. Desværre ignorerer Jyllands-Postens leder dette…
Compared with their colleagues in many other countries, the Taiwanese media stand out as aggressive purveyors of gossip. The remedy to such a culture,…
“Welcome to China” — the greeting I received at the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) National Policy Foundation in January is symptomatic of current cross-strait…