Ringe bog om Taiwan, der skader mere end den gavner

Af Michael Danielsen, formand for Taiwan Corner Træd ind i Taiwans komplekse og fascinerende verden med bogen ‘Taiwan – politik, historie og samfund,’ men…
Af Michael Danielsen, formand for Taiwan Corner Træd ind i Taiwans komplekse og fascinerende verden med bogen ‘Taiwan – politik, historie og samfund,’ men…
Ja, nationen var engang en provins i Kina, men det var før Qingdynastiet i 1895 afstod den og Penghu-øerne for al evighed til Japan.…
Young people in Asia are fighting to build or preserve democracy in Thailand, Hong Kong, Myanmar and in Taiwan. The struggle takes the form…
In his OpEd in Taipei Times, Taiwan Corner’s chairman Michael Danielsen write that willing European politicians, journalists and academics have contributed to a perception…
Taiwan shall live forward and understand itself looking backward — not like the KMT, which prefers to live in the past. A combination of…
Young people care even more about politics and Taiwan’s future. They have now become confident and outspoken. We should pay attention whether these developments…
Former American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) director William Stanton’s speech at the World Taiwanese Congress. He said that the “status quo” is problematic. It…
Den Kina-venlige politik fra Taiwans regering er bekymrende. Trods de mildere vinde mellem Taiwan og Kina har taiwanerne ingen kinesisk provinsmentalitet og ønsker ikke…
The book National Identity and Economic Interest was published on January 27. 2012 shortly after the presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan on January…
The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) has given up the idea of making Taiwan unique and attractive. As globalization forces governments to enter political unions…