Think about Taiwan
The strategy of Taiwan’s President is unfortunately working. By constantly including China when we talk about Taiwan, we in the world community shall be…
The strategy of Taiwan’s President is unfortunately working. By constantly including China when we talk about Taiwan, we in the world community shall be…
Only available in Danish. Det er tankevækkende, hvordan Vanessa Shih i JP 27/11 beskriver det historiske møde mellem Taiwan og Kina uden at nævne…
The invented Chinese reality has invaded Copenhagen Business School (CBS). This is the reality since the start of a new cooperation between CBS and…
Only available in Danish. På valgaftenen lørdag den 22. marts sad jeg i centrum af Taipei på en ny restaurant, der serverer klassisk taiwansk…
The positive economic opening between Taiwan and China has caused that several crystal balls to become overheated and imprecise. In his commentary July 3.,…
Gode intentioner, forsimplede fakta og fordrejninger af begivenheder gavner ikke forståelsen for Taiwans forhold. METTE HOLM og socialdemokraternes Mogens Lykketoft har sikkert gode intentioner,…
Only available in Danish. TAIWAN FIK 22/3 en Kina-venlig præsident, der drømmer om en forening med Kina. Og han sidder nu massivt på øen…
Only available in Danish. Et økonomisk mirakel har gjort landet til et af verdens rigeste samfund, og et politisk mirakel har gjort Taiwan til…
Only available in Danish. TAIWANS parlamentsvalg blev en stor sejr for oppositionspartiet KMT, der ønsker et tættere forhold til Kina. Valgresultat vil nok af…
Only available in Danish.Af Michael Danielsen Publiceret i Jyllands-Posten d. 11. september 2007 KINAS SANDE ANSIGT er kommet til Danmark. I sit debatindlæg 6/9…