Michael Danielsen

Michael Danielsen

KMT Splits?

The real problem with the delay in the Services Pact isn’t the Sunflowers. They just make a convenient whipping boy. The real problem is that the KMT legislators don’t want to pass it, and can’t be made to. By Michael…

The Mapping of Taiwan

The Mapping of Taiwan, Desired Economies, Competing Monopolies, New Perspectives on Cartography, Competing Monopolies, and the Destiny of Taiwan. Published in agreement with Jerome F. KeatingIn The Mapping of Taiwan, Keating steps back and places Taiwan within the shaping framework…

President Ma is not the only problem

A reality check reveals that Taiwan’s democratic development and its self-determination are challenged by the policies of the KMT which has a vast majority in the parliament. Taiwan even went as far as unjustly refusing entry to a German citizen…