Case No. 59213: China Specialists Don't Get Taiwan

China specialists need to face this fact squarely: there are no generous economic benefits from Taiwan’s economic involvement with China. That golden age passed…
China specialists need to face this fact squarely: there are no generous economic benefits from Taiwan’s economic involvement with China. That golden age passed…
Hong Kong’s aktivister ønsker ikke det kinesiske styres version af demokratiet. De negative politiske og økonomiske konsekvenser af det tættere forhold til Kina har…
China’s more aggressive behavior in Asia, makes it more difficult to argue for China’s peaceful intentions. This does not stop the Danish Ministry of…
Is Denmark’s apparent change in its “one China” policy a warning to Taiwan about what might come in the future? Denmark appears to be…
Open letter to the Sunflower Movement and President Ma. We fully appreciate the reasons the students took this action, and express our support for…
What is the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) vision for Taiwan? An answer to this question is warranted after the KMT agreed to meet with…
Den Kina-venlige politik fra Taiwans regering er bekymrende. Trods de mildere vinde mellem Taiwan og Kina har taiwanerne ingen kinesisk provinsmentalitet og ønsker ikke…