The Sunflower Movement: One Year On

No social movements have reached such dramatic proportions as the Sunflower Movement. From March 18 to April 10, 2014, the nation’s parliament was occupied…
No social movements have reached such dramatic proportions as the Sunflower Movement. From March 18 to April 10, 2014, the nation’s parliament was occupied…
The documentary detailed the 24 days occupation of Taiwan’s parliament starting on March 18 2014. The movie provided great behind the scene insights into…
China specialists need to face this fact squarely: there are no generous economic benefits from Taiwan’s economic involvement with China. That golden age passed…
The 2014 elections mostly expressed the public distrust of the KMT and cannot be taken as direct endorsement of DPP policy. Although the DPP’s…
The fundamental question is: Why should Taiwan’s political future be based on historical events that bear no relevance to modern society? The nation must…
Taiwan’s Sunflower Student Movement in March 2014 and the assorted protests against the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA) were triggered by the KMT-CCP cooperation…
Dennis Wei (魏揚) and Wu Cheng (吳崢) talked about how the rise of the Sunflower Movement is closely connected to the current social, economic…
Why did Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement occupy the parliament for three weeks?Did this undermine or strengthen democracy?The Sunflower Movement showed public support for Taiwan’s democracy…
At the moment China already absorbs 40% of Taiwan’s export and 80% of its foreign investment; if Taiwan signs additional cooperative agreements with China…
Young people care even more about politics and Taiwan’s future. They have now become confident and outspoken. We should pay attention whether these developments…