Review – Poor book about Taiwan that harms more than it benefits

By Michael Danielsen, Chairman of Taiwan Corner Step into the complex and fascinating world of Taiwan with the Danish book ‘Taiwan – politik, historie…
By Michael Danielsen, Chairman of Taiwan Corner Step into the complex and fascinating world of Taiwan with the Danish book ‘Taiwan – politik, historie…
Af Michael Danielsen, formand for Taiwan Corner Træd ind i Taiwans komplekse og fascinerende verden med bogen ‘Taiwan – politik, historie og samfund,’ men…
Af Michael Danielsen, formand for Taiwan Corner Bogen ’Kampen om Taiwan’ af Jonas-Parello-Plesner udgivet på Gyldendal er yderst læsevenlig og giver en helt nødvendig…
The Mapping of Taiwan, Desired Economies, Competing Monopolies, New Perspectives on Cartography, Competing Monopolies, and the Destiny of Taiwan. Published in agreement with Jerome…
The German language “Polyglott on tour” guidebook on Taiwan has been updated and its 4th edition will be available from early February in Germany,…
The book National Identity and Economic Interest was published on January 27. 2012 shortly after the presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan on January…
Only available in Danish. Anmeldt af Michael Danielsen Der findes forskellige bøger om Taiwans historie, men det er sjældent at finde en bog som…