Michael Danielsen

Michael Danielsen

Think about Taiwan

The strategy of Taiwan’s President is unfortunately working. By constantly including China when we talk about Taiwan, we in the world community shall be accustomed to Taiwan being a part of China. By Michael Danielsen, Chairman, Taiwan Corner.Translation from “Tænk…

Something rotten in Denmark

The positive increase in economic links between Taiwan and China has sparked an uninformed debate in Denmark. Danish pundits imagine a future federation between Taiwan and China. These writers display a great ignorance about Taiwanese public opinion that unfortunately is…

Nonsense about Taiwan

Gode intentioner, forsimplede fakta og fordrejninger af begivenheder gavner ikke forståelsen for Taiwans forhold. METTE HOLM og socialdemokraternes Mogens Lykketoft har sikkert gode intentioner, men blotter en imponerede mangel på nuancer om væsentlige problemstillinger i taiwansk politik og historie i…